Runes Protocol Integration

General information

The Runes protocol is a new initiative in the Bitcoin network aiming to offer an improved method of creating and managing fungible tokens compared to the existing BRC20 standard. One of the key differences between Runes and BRC20 lies in their underlying models and efficiency in handling transactions on the Bitcoin blockchain.

Runes utilizes the UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output) model, which is the native transaction management system of Bitcoin. This model allows for transactions to be verified and outputs to be tracked as individual units, thus ensuring better security and integrity of the transaction process. This contrasts with the account-based models used by other platforms like Ethereum, which group all user transactions under single accounts, leading to potential scalability and security issues

Partner Project ORDICT on Runes Protocol

Strategic Partnership with ORDICT: Soulbound Inscription Protocol on Bitcoin Network

Capacity: ORDICT creates a digital footprint tied directly to your In-Game Achievements on SatsRush.

Milestone Achievements are awarded for in-game level and challenge completions.

Available as a BTC Badge of Honor via Ordict and Redeemable for Community Incentives.

Advantages of using the UTXO model

  1. Efficiency and Simplicity: Runes are designed to minimize the on-chain footprint by reducing unnecessary data and simplifying the process of token management. This leads to less network congestion and lowers the risk of blockchain bloat, which can occur when too many unspent outputs clog the network.

  2. Token Management: With the UTXO model, each token or a set of tokens can be tracked as separate outputs, allowing for more transparent and efficient management of assets. This structure is particularly effective in reducing the complexities involved in the creation and distribution of tokens.

  3. Resource Efficiency: By integrating OP_RETURN, a function for storing data that does not affect the transaction's spend ability, Runes can use blockchain space more effectively. This approach prevents the proliferation of not spendable UTXOs, which is a significant issue with BRC20 tokens.

  4. Enhanced Security and Flexibility: The UTXO model inherently supports high security standards due to its ability to track each output independently. This also provides flexibility in how tokens are issued and managed, allowing for features like token burning and precise control over the token supply

Runes vs BRC20


Low Impact on Blockchain Size: Runes’ use of OP_RETURN for data storage reduces its impact on the blockchain’s size, as it creates outputs that are provably unspendable and do not contribute to UTXO set growth. This design decision helps in maintaining a cleaner blockchain with fewer unused outputs.

Security through Simplicity: The Runes protocol’s simplicity reduces the likelihood of errors during token creation and management, which can enhance security by minimizing risks associated with complex transaction structures.


Lack of Standardization: Currently, the Runes protocol lacks a unified standard, which can cause fragmentation and challenges in infrastructure development, particularly with indexing and tracking Runes across different projects and platforms.

Initial Community Resistance: As a newer protocol, Runes has faced some initial resistance within the Bitcoin community. This can affect its early adoption rates, as community support is crucial for the success of new technologies in the cryptocurrency space.

Last updated